My First....

So I searched through my old portfolio's and found a throwback...this was one of my first completed sketches in highschool freshmen year for those who have no clue.....
inspiration at it's best
hafellyn cheynia whitaker
-pure love.


"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose."
-Tom Kraus.

Sometimes life brings you through a chapter where you will be face with chaos and therefore you are being tested..I for one has had my sufficient portion of it and it has left me filled and satisfied enough to keep pushing and stay hungry for more.
Sweet November has just started, I've been away from blogging for quite a bit and actually forgot how much of a committed job it is and my m.i.a. has got the best of me. The funny thing about inspiration though is that no matter what it will always stay above the surface and remain in the very presence among you- if you open up your eyes to capture it. My cup as you would say "has doth runneth over" and as of right now I wish I could elaborate on all that's been diverting my attention and caused me to embrace it for what it's worth. Right now I'm feeling pretty content about the plans ahead and the beginning process of my new baby- my first clothing line.
Now I've received rolled eyes, blank facial expressions, negative comments and so on but I don't care- "I love what I do and I love what I dream to become."
This is me having courage to a leap and just risk it all. If anything you will never know what you (could of been) or how far you could of gone; if you don't just DO IT. It takes alot of time, effort and ambition to be a designer and entrepreneur at that but I am ready. I am ready for you=world; SO BRING YOUR WORST&ILL PROVE YOU WRONG BY GIVING YOU MY BEST.
Within the long process and time that it took...It's been underconstruction for way to long and it needed to scream originality and perfection so that I can learn to love it and accept to take mutual credit for all that I've done. "Patience is a Virtue" and from time to time I had to contemplate as to exactly what would make me stand out from all the many faces and names that's blossomed over the years. Your name alone is like the key to pull in your potential clientele and audience. I needed a name, something strong that was self explanatory but also had a little story behind it and sooner than I thought one day unexpectedly the light bulb went off. Now I can't deliver the name publicly yet because it's too soon but I will say this....
My upcoming line is :
a contemporary chic clothing line for the young men and women and including plus sized and curvy fashionistas.
its a line derived from inspirations of fashion icons,photography,art muses,music influences..well you get the picture...
it's something fresh and original
..most of the pieces are fall/winter spring/summer collections of..
household trinkets

...these are examples of what the line is based off of...



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