I've been away for quite sometime...but all within good reason because this has been such a busy year, a patient year for me and I definitely have so much to blog about , live for and go back to doing what I love best. On another note to keep it short,merry and sweet I just wanted to take a brief time-out from my joyous activities to wish you all: A BLESSED MERRY CHRISTMAS,HAPPY KWANZAA & HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!!! (and a very happy birthday to Jesus.) I'm kind of bummed that I didn't wake up unexpectedly to that silent sound of the snow falling...:( but I guess in due time IT SHALL SNOW!!! I'm really looking forward to spending another holiday with the family and friends and looking forward to what the new year will bring us all.  Wasn't really into the holiday spirit this year and more than anything it remained as laid back and calm as can be..hmm i'm thinking maybe if things go my way I'll host a xmas party at my place. As of right now it's time to resume back to the festivities..Time to go play dress up and get ready for the dinner party. SO TO ALL HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY LOVES....& don't forget be more than greatful for enjoying those precious moments with your loved ones and enjoy the great gifts and priceless memories that came along with it.

yumm caramel hot cocoa

the rock<3

This Christmas

We hope this Christmas enriches your life;
May each day be happy and bright,
Overflowing with pleasure and love;
May your Christmas be filled with delight.

By Karl Fuchs

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