...Dear January

In the beginning people wasted unnecessary time consuming themselves to commit and stick to their (RESOLUTION TO DO LIST's) as to what they plan on doing to make a "better them" for the new year. Myself excluded from this I decided to say "resolute" no more. A new year shouldn't be about such frivolous things based on what not to do and what to cautiously avoid but it should be enjoyed by a list of mistakes,profound memories and embraced for the unexpectedness of what's to come. Looking at January I refused to make any plans but my motive was to live, move forward, re-arrange things around, throw away the bad and close past chapters. Now at 11:29pm I can profoundly say from you I have grown to learn a lot and a lot has inspired me to re-create a painted picture. What is now painted from you is a crazy/beautiful story. A story of a girl who once was so unsure of everything now realizes more than ever what she wants.In this picture she makes mistakes (tons) and knows that it's acceptable, she lives for no one but herself, her sky is brighter with colorful hues of magenta, teal and honeysuckle yellow. This girls laughs more, loves harder and feels deeply and affectively with an open heart. She embraces her imperfections, laughs when she falls and tries to make the best out of gray situations. This is the portrait of: Happiness and throughout our dull, mean red days ...you brought me hope.What inspired me most was when a blogger said this : " Life is about being inspired by reconstructing, reorganizing and re-arranging......This is by far an adventure everyone should experience in their lifetime. Rearrange, Redecorate-Relive a life that has passed by but that might inspire you to move forward...position yourself at a place of comfort and Marvel at the new possibilities." Going back to January (a new year) a lot has happened and a lot has changed for the better..quite honestly you've been a real pain (I won't miss you much)but with all that went on you left me with one thing... a newly-shaped me.......
11:43: goodnight&farewell and please..NO MORE SNOW!!......
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