Back to December

Awaken  your eyes to a world of dreary and gray skies,
to a bitter-cold feeling of wind hitting your back,
the quiet sound of snow covering everything it touches,
Piles of dead brown leaves have blown across the lawn and all the animals
and trees have fallen into a deep,
deep sleep.
"Welcome to December,"
mother nature whispers.

December is filled with warm and cheerful moments of enjoying the holidays with close loved ones but even at a time like this I still find it a bit sad sometimes. Currently during this moment I find myself steering away from the simple things that I have become fond of. I miss what was mine, what was loved,the things that brought me joy and the lessons that stuck with me.  I find myself in a position where so much has happened that I am a bit stuck. In so many ways It's almost like being caught in limbo but over here I am just trying to figure out where all the pieces of my next chapter fits in at.  Since its the first day of the month I decided to put a little something up here (inspiration hasn't been kicking in like the norm but it's coming~i feel it) and stumbled upon this quote. James Barrier said," God gave us our memories so that we may have roses in December." This by far is not only true but in my opinion one of the most beautiful quotes ever. ....and this is what a fellow tumbler wrote in a response....: "This is most fitting for those currently enduring the Decembers of our lives as we all have done and will do. During those dark and cold days when our hearts are weary, when we’ve lost someone dear to us, when we are overwhelmed by life’s blizzards, we must cling to the memories of the sun’s warmth and light. Those roses remind us that these storms and cold spells are only temporary. The sun is never really gone, just shining somewhere else for a while. I offer the suggestion that as the close of this year comes, it is a good time to stop and smell the roses. Yes, poignant memories will prick you as you do, however, you will find a rose’s fragrance and beauty well worth beholding."

p.s. Dearest December....
Please bring me dozens of roses in remembrance to last me throughout the whole season.

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