One step at a time....

Just thinking repeatedly about a conversation I had made me see things from a different perspective.
I understand why they say "change is necessary" but for me personally it holds a deeper meaning.
.....for me it starts with a new chapter
....a new journey
....a new place faces
.....a whole new me.


Back to December

Awaken  your eyes to a world of dreary and gray skies,
to a bitter-cold feeling of wind hitting your back,
the quiet sound of snow covering everything it touches,
Piles of dead brown leaves have blown across the lawn and all the animals
and trees have fallen into a deep,
deep sleep.
"Welcome to December,"
mother nature whispers.

December is filled with warm and cheerful moments of enjoying the holidays with close loved ones but even at a time like this I still find it a bit sad sometimes. Currently during this moment I find myself steering away from the simple things that I have become fond of. I miss what was mine, what was loved,the things that brought me joy and the lessons that stuck with me.  I find myself in a position where so much has happened that I am a bit stuck. In so many ways It's almost like being caught in limbo but over here I am just trying to figure out where all the pieces of my next chapter fits in at.  Since its the first day of the month I decided to put a little something up here (inspiration hasn't been kicking in like the norm but it's coming~i feel it) and stumbled upon this quote. James Barrier said," God gave us our memories so that we may have roses in December." This by far is not only true but in my opinion one of the most beautiful quotes ever. ....and this is what a fellow tumbler wrote in a response....: "This is most fitting for those currently enduring the Decembers of our lives as we all have done and will do. During those dark and cold days when our hearts are weary, when we’ve lost someone dear to us, when we are overwhelmed by life’s blizzards, we must cling to the memories of the sun’s warmth and light. Those roses remind us that these storms and cold spells are only temporary. The sun is never really gone, just shining somewhere else for a while. I offer the suggestion that as the close of this year comes, it is a good time to stop and smell the roses. Yes, poignant memories will prick you as you do, however, you will find a rose’s fragrance and beauty well worth beholding."

p.s. Dearest December....
Please bring me dozens of roses in remembrance to last me throughout the whole season.

No worries;even the impossible is possible...

 -Nelson Mandela 

I am more than sleep deprived at 4am, it's raining outside and my brain refuses to shutdown completely into dream-mode because it is currently experiencing a whirlwind overflow of insidious thoughts that won't stop appearing. Honestly I can't sleep because the very last words that were said to me is ringing through my ears but this time it turned more into a wake-up call to reality. Time and time again I always told myself that if a person really had the ambition to go ahead and DO something; they'd do it no matter the cost. I used to think that since I felt like I had one foot in the door and the other out, that it was impossible to just actually leave and not look back. Just sitting here thinking I realize now more so that the word "IMPOSSIBLE", no longer ceases to exist in my world. My foot will no longer be in two places at once because this is me being the bigger person, this is me doing exactly what you "asked for", this is me walking away to better myself because the best is yet to come......Truth be told I never wanted things to go this route but I think that we all need that extra push once in a while to speak up and admit that enough is enough......On a side note...I'm looking forward to the future of what's to come and the production of what's already taking place currently. I actually miss blogging& and taking strolls around this time in the city...goshh it's time to find an apartment in the village asap and officially come back for good..

Sweet Dreams...
xoxo che.

Just Breathe......

"...There's a light at each end of this tunnel you shout cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out 
And these mistakes you've made 
You'll just make them again if you'll only try turnin' around

2Am and I'm still awake writing this song
If i get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me threaten' the life it belongs to.
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd 
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud 
And I know that you'll use them however you want to..."

I love this song. The melody, the harmony and lyrics; they are real and they tell a story. Hearing it now, made me realize something even more significant which took me a whole year to understand completely. Broken people tend to look back and react regrettably towards the mistakes and decision's they've made in life; praying that someone can turn back the hands of time. They wonder where life will lead them and if they will end up down a road of uncertainty or profound happiness. What I get out it is on a personal level and it hits home.At the end of the day we are all Broke at some point in our lifetime.What I understand more clearly now is that no matter how deep of a pit your problems create,you'll always need a hand to pull you back up to the surface. But how do you reach that hand? By changing and retracting the very "thing" that placed you there in that pit in the first place. Once it's depleted for good, you can live,you can move on;you can breathe.


& happy march1st<3



February is here! Right away so many different things pop into mind such as a world painted in pink, champagne, red and white, women and men parading in Valentino,a terrible hangover from the endurance of fashion week and such a list never ceases to a stop. Even though I will be engaged productively and exhaustified with all that's to come; I am anxious about it all! Not only is this the month of (amour) and events but this holds a special meaning for me in my life which means: a new beginning and with that an umpteen amount of celebrations! What the world and I are celebrating is the acknowledgement of : African American history, Mercedes-Benz Annual Fashion Week, National frozen yogurt day,Chinese New Year (which is tomorrow), football championship season, President's day and let's not forget that it's also a great month to be fashionable and make a bold yet blandiloquent statement in color me = R.E.D.

chain of important events:
T-H-E- O-S-C-A-R-S (I'm rooting for Natalie Portman!!)
{new music}
V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E-S -D-A-Y
J-U-S-T-I-N- N-O-Z-U-K-A
P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T-S  D-A-Y

fall in l.o.v.e.-xoxo

...Dear January

In the beginning people wasted unnecessary time consuming themselves to commit and stick to their (RESOLUTION TO DO LIST's) as to what they plan on doing to make a "better them" for the new year. Myself excluded from this I decided to say "resolute" no more. A new year shouldn't be about such frivolous things based on what not to do and what to cautiously avoid but it should be enjoyed by a list of mistakes,profound memories and embraced for the unexpectedness of what's to come. Looking at January I refused to make any plans but my motive was to live, move forward, re-arrange things around, throw away the bad and close past chapters. Now at 11:29pm I can profoundly say from you I have grown to learn a lot and a lot has inspired me to re-create a painted picture. What is now painted from you is a crazy/beautiful story. A story of a girl who once was so unsure of everything now realizes more than ever what she wants.In this picture she makes mistakes (tons) and knows that it's acceptable, she lives for no one but herself, her sky is brighter with colorful hues of magenta, teal and honeysuckle yellow. This girls laughs more, loves harder and feels deeply and affectively with an open heart. She embraces her imperfections, laughs when she falls and tries to make the best out of gray situations. This is the portrait of: Happiness and throughout our dull, mean red days brought me hope.What inspired me most was when a blogger said this : " Life is about being inspired by reconstructing, reorganizing and re-arranging......This is by far an adventure everyone should experience in their lifetime. Rearrange, Redecorate-Relive a life that has passed by but that might inspire you to move forward...position yourself at a place of comfort and Marvel at the new possibilities." Going back to January (a new year) a lot has happened and a lot has changed for the better..quite honestly you've been a real pain (I won't miss you much)but with all that went on you left me with one thing... a newly-shaped me.......
11:43: goodnight&farewell and please..NO MORE SNOW!!......


I've been away for quite sometime...but all within good reason because this has been such a busy year, a patient year for me and I definitely have so much to blog about , live for and go back to doing what I love best. On another note to keep it short,merry and sweet I just wanted to take a brief time-out from my joyous activities to wish you all: A BLESSED MERRY CHRISTMAS,HAPPY KWANZAA & HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!!! (and a very happy birthday to Jesus.) I'm kind of bummed that I didn't wake up unexpectedly to that silent sound of the snow falling...:( but I guess in due time IT SHALL SNOW!!! I'm really looking forward to spending another holiday with the family and friends and looking forward to what the new year will bring us all.  Wasn't really into the holiday spirit this year and more than anything it remained as laid back and calm as can be..hmm i'm thinking maybe if things go my way I'll host a xmas party at my place. As of right now it's time to resume back to the festivities..Time to go play dress up and get ready for the dinner party. SO TO ALL HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY LOVES....& don't forget be more than greatful for enjoying those precious moments with your loved ones and enjoy the great gifts and priceless memories that came along with it.

yumm caramel hot cocoa

the rock<3

This Christmas

We hope this Christmas enriches your life;
May each day be happy and bright,
Overflowing with pleasure and love;
May your Christmas be filled with delight.

By Karl Fuchs

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