..Moon river, wider than a mile..

I’m crossing you in style someday

Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker

Wherever you’re goin’, I’m goin’ your way….

Iced caramel -macchiato to my left, blueberry scone to the right, cell phone in place and laptop at hand. Contemplating on what to say and what should I do next and very much so in need of inspiration. And the words like velvet flow through the speakers of starbucks and Moon River begins to play. This is MY BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S. Right away I think of Holly Golightly explaining how secure she feels in the wonderful world of TIFFANY’S .Today I made it official, had an epiphany and truly saw the big picture for what it’s worth. I know practically everyone (majority of us who devote our love to fashion) has a blog and I said , “well why not me.” I want to add my piece, my taste, my originality and creative quirks to everything pertaining to M.Y. L.O.V.E. F.O.R. F.A.S.H.I.O.N. My mom came up with the name and I came up with what SEDUCED STANDS FOR. It’s pretty self explanatory and if you watched Devil Wears Prada (you’ll understand) We are all a part of this and the never ending trends of fashion plays a big part in our lives. WE ARE ALL HIGHLY CONSUMED BY FASHION. It’s in art, promoted by music, shoppers take great deals in sales and clearance, buyers take eminent pride in spending fortunes – living la vita belle of GLAMOUR&GLITZ…. ….Why? Because it’s addictive, international, prideful, expressive, eco- friendly, amazing, intriguing, tasty, demanding, sassy, alluring, swagger-ful, blunt, daring and pulls us all in - that’s what S.E.D.U.C.E.D. stands for .

I feel absolutely inspired and I feel like it’s going to be a great fresh start. I have a lot to say and a lot to show for my expressions and antics. (LOL). I feel like there’s a lack for creative voices out there (BLACK TALENTED ONES AT THAT). With seduced I want to create that “Tiffany HAVEN” where I can be that voice to express certain areas that people never dare to branch out towards. I want to see, write about and embrace ….African American models, international faces and fashion designers, brag about upcoming artists and the top music hits of the month, critique on who wore what best, gossip about upcoming news (the juicy stuff never minding the lack of unimportant things),speak on a political behalf of what’s the latest news out there, embrace plus size beauty and share the greatest moments of my world in new York city- my home away from home.

This is my Tiffany’s and it’s here to stay. I am officially a blogger now. So here’s to a new start. A new piece of mind. A fresh dazziling taste of something new. (thanks mom.)

-love& happyJ



Anonymous said...

..cant wait<3

Anonymous said...

WEll my twinn i Do believe the world is ready for a unbelievable voice of opinion and they shall learn what the true blood of fashion lovers posse- ACartier

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